Sunday 5 August 2007


When I look out of the window, I find something morbidly comforting in the drizzle that puts a halo around every street lamp and a glistening leathery covering to leaves, walls, cars and even the sky itself.

I know I'm not the only person who's ever marvelled at the thought of a whole community full of unconscious people, asleep, waiting for the coming day where they can spend the energy they're accumulating now in the deepest slumber of the night.

The dark is worrying, frightening, foreboding and full of potential terror, yet it is at this time we shut down, hide down, go down, fall down, descend into the realm of the dreams, vulnerably hiding behind brick walls, glass windows and uPVC doors.

In our sleep, we don't worry about rent or mortgage. At night, you will find a street, village or even a town at its most restful with more bliss than at any time.

At night, the rain washes the scars of the previous day in preparation for the concerns that will fill our vision. In the silence, there are people saying nothing but who will, within a few hours, be saying plenty. People who are now doing nothing but breathing will be explaining, excusing, hoping, arguing, heart breaking, dumping, joining, laughing and crying.

Enjoy the silence for sleeping endures for a night.

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