Wednesday 9 April 2008

In The Name Of Freedom, Shut Up

There are many people crying out for freedom to say whatever they want. People want the right to  to call each other a schmuck or a bigot and if anybody dares shut them up, then they're Nazis or in bed with Robert Mugabe. Everybody wants the right to say whatever they want!

But when someone else comes and says something that enough people don't like, then it becomes a different matter altogether. You can speak your mind as long as you're not influenced by anything; as long as nothing has caused you to come to the belief you have, speak your mind. If something has caused you to come to the belief you have, then make sure it's a good thing like Kylie Minogue or a book that tell you how crap something is.

If you were brought up with religious values, make sure that the only thing you say is that those religious values screwed with your head or they forced your uncle to molest you. Don't, for heaven's sake, say that any religious values you were brought up with had a positive influence on you. If they did have a positive influence on you, make sure that you can show how it wasn't any mainstream part of that religion that influenced you for the better but a watered down secularisation of that religion so that you can still say that you were lucky to come out of that religious environment with an ounce of reason in your head and your pants on.

As long as what you say is what most people are thinking, you're free to say it. And if you're shouting someone down, make sure that your shouting is done for the freedom of others. Remember, you can hide your fear of someone else's ideas by making it clear to everybody that the very fact they have the opinions they have shows that they themselves are the cowards and therefore they should shut up.

Everybody has the right to say 'brave' things like the world is warming up. Damn the media for trying to shut you up in speaking your truths to the many, but woe betide any solitary voice who dares suggest that the world's warming up is not our fault. Such thoughts and ideas are too dangerous and misleading because now we know what the truth is (do we?) there's no reason to believe that anybody who deviates from the accepted truth is anything but an intellectual terrorist. That's why you'll see people failing to disagree and instead saying things like;

Christian groups challenge embryo research

Well of course they do…

Why can’t we just have a policy of rubberstamping the word “DISMISSED” across any suit filed in court by these people.

Nobody sets out to be evil or wrong, but we love to think of the 'other lot' like they're some kind of Dick Dastardly, desperately trying to find ways of making other people's lives difficult. If you want to see human embryos mixed with animals, I'm going to assume it's because you want to see a cure for some nasty diseases. If you think it's wrong, I'm going to assume you have a respect for human life and dignity.

Whether it's a religious nut or a scientific preacher of truth, everybody wants to speak but nobody wants to hear. Everybody wants to be the only one who has freedom of speech and it sucks. Whether it's a blog or a country, you'll find people trying to shut up the ones who challenge their truth while making a virtue of challenging others'

But you know something? This is nothing new. Nothing ever changes and although fashions come and go, you'll find that humans will always find a way to screw up a good thing.

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