Friday 20 July 2007

Harry Potter Pottiness - Prorities at ChildLine?

I read on the BBC website about how staff who work for ChildLine are being asked to work extra hours to offer help to children upset at the death of two characters in the latest Harry Potter novel.

I'm sorry, but ChildLine is for children who are being abused, threatened and pushed to areas beyond their years. Dealing with fictional characters' demise is what parents are for, parents who teach their kids to get their act together and get on with life.

What kind of soft society have we become? I remember Elsie Tanner dying in Coronation Street and being shocked at people begging ITV not to let her die. I remember being amazed at people leaving flowers where Victor Meldrew supposedly died.

These people are fictional. They're not real. They're not an uncle, aunt, cousin, parent, grandparent or best friend (the death of any of which is traumatic). Any kids calling ChildLine because someone has died in a Harry Potter book need to be told to get over it and make room for someone who really needs help.

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