Tuesday 15 April 2008

Betterware - Inspiration for Things That Suck

The other day, I got a catalogue from Betterware popped through the letterbox. Like every catalogue I receive, it got thrown away.

I got something else through the letterbox saying that they cam to pick up the Betterware catalogue and they're sorry they missed me.

Hang on a minute: They're expecting to come and pick it up!? But it's in the bin! If he wants it back, he can look in the bin. The bin is outside, he's outside so there shouldn't be a problem.

He left me a note saying 

"Sorry I missed you when I called today to collect your brochure/deliver your goods. I shall call again on Wed Afternoon. If this time is inconvenient and you wish to contact me, please call me on Paul"

If a complete stranger has the right to put something in my letterbox that looks like a physical manifestation of spam and expect me to read it and give it back, then surely someone somewhere on the well respected internet can demand with equal expectation that I will read the Viagra and Penis/Breast Extension e-mails I receive on an hourly basis and demand a reply!

That's not going to happen. It's my letterbox and I will do what I like with any unsolicited SPAM that comes through it.

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